The Javan Coker Foundation
King's Award for Voluntary Service Winner 2024
The Mayor's Charity 2023/24* & Civic Award Winner 2022*
*Royal Borough of Greenwich
2024 - King's Award for Voluntary Service winner... the MBE for Volunteer Groups
2023/24 - Mayor's Charity: Royal Borough of Greenwich
2022 - Civic Award Volunteer Category Winner

Foundation & Incorporation as a CIO - 1181275
Charity officially registered with the Charity Commission on 19th December 2018 and all other incorporation requirements met accordingly. Doors open...
April 2019
A very successful formal launch on 27 April 2019
May 2019 to December 2019
Performing activities in our Objects: workshops, supporting families, advocacy, help with administrative tasks such as filling forms, sign posting.
September highlight...
1st Family Fun Sunday, which was a very successful fundraising event
December Celebrations...
Christmas Wish: Donations to children in Sierra Leone.
Christmas Carol and Quiz night was a BIG success!
The global COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on our work but we continue to innovate and adapt to the new world as we passionately continue to meet the needs of our clients.
With the support of Morrisons, we were able to distribute food and essential items to many deserving families in our communities. Thanks for your support!!!
We pioneered the Safe Space for SEND program and it has continued to grow from strength to strength, and we are also kickstarting the SEND Siblings program.
Check our PROGRAMS page for the latest events and programs.
Established the Javan Coker Foundation Centre with support from many organisations in the community, such as YouthBuild...
Winner of the King's Award for Voluntary Service. More info here
Esther Sesay
CEO & Co-founder
We partner with amazing brands & people...
Foundation & Incorporation as a CIO - 1181275
Charity officially registered with the Charity Commission on 19th December 2018 and all other incorporation requirements met accordingly. Doors open...
April 2019
A very successful formal launch on 27 April 2019
May 2019 to December 2019
Performing activities in our Objects: workshops, supporting families, advocacy, help with administrative tasks such as filling forms, sign posting.
September highlight...
1st Family Fun Sunday, which was a very successful fundraising event
December Celebrations...
Christmas Wish: Donations to children in Sierra Leone.
Christmas Carol and Quiz night was a BIG success!
The global COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on our work but we continue to innovate and adapt to the new world as we passionately continue to meet the needs of our clients.
With the support of Morrisons, we were able to distribute food and essential items to many deserving families in our communities. Thanks for your support!!!
We pioneered the Safe Space for SEND program and it has continued to grow from strength to strength, and we are also kickstarting the SEND Siblings program.
Check our PROGRAMS page for the latest events and programs.
Civic Award Winner - Royal Borough of Greenwich
Mayor's Charity for 2023/24.
Established the Javan Coker Foundation Centre in Abbeywood with support from many organisations in the community, such as YouthBuild...
King's Award for Voluntary Service ... more info here
Esther Sesay
CEO & Co-founder
ASUS Chromebook laptop computers donated by Currys Charlton for a Javan Coker Foundation raffle were won by two happy supporters in September 2023
We partner with amazing brands & people...